Become a Member

Take the next step on your wellness journey and discover the endless possibilities of Clubhouse!

Who can become a member?

Anyone (age 18 or older) with a mental illness may become a member of Brighter House regardless of diagnosis. Membership is voluntary and without time limits.

When is the Clubhouse open?

Brighter House is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. In addition, there are social events on some Thursday nights and Saturdays each month and celebrations on major holidays.

​What does it cost?

There are no membership dues to join the Clubhouse.

How often may I come to the Clubhouse?

How often you come to the Clubhouse is up to you. Some members come every day. It depends on your schedule. The Clubhouse is a lifelong opportunity and membership is what you make it. There is a saying, ‘once a member, always a member. Even after a long absence, you are still welcome to come to the Clubhouse and join in the opportunities. If you are interested in joining Brighter House or have any more specific questions about our program, please contact Stephen Savarimuthu (828) 475-1880 or complete the Referral Form to schedule a tour.

 You do not have to go it alone. Join the Brighter House community.
Become a Member!